Enjoy an enchanting cultural getaway experience in Japan

Visit Japan to experience a pleasant holiday with a lovely blend of culture
Japan has numerous breathtaking festivals that bring together traditions and modernity in a country where temples coexist with an outstanding natural environment and skyscrapers.

The religion in Japan is strict and spiritual
Japan has a population of more than 126 million people. The Japanese experienced a period of immigration from China, the Pacific and Korea. You can explore the homogenous religion in Japan during your holiday in this peculiar region. The traditional religion of Japan is Shintoism which involves the worship of various ancestors and gods and attaches great importance to the natural environment and the Emperor. Due to the influence of China, Buddhism is another important religion in Japan. Catholicism is also present, even though it is a minor religion in Japan.
The culture in Japan is nourished by the spiritual dimension of religion. As you explore Japan, you will be captivated by its peculiar atmosphere which is filled with wisdom and meditation. Globetrotters will enjoy this great setting. The Japanese people pattern their lives after the spiritual practice of Buddhism. When you visit Japan, you may be astonished at the perfect architectural harmony between the big buildings, sanctuaries and temples. This is really an immersive experience of the modern and traditional history of Japan.
Did you know? The Japanese are masters of calligraphy
Calligraphy is an art that has been practised since the 6th Century. This writing technique is skilfully mastered by a large part of the population in Japan. It is passed on from generation to generation and has given rise to great works. Calligraphy remains a very important part of the history and culture of Japan.

The language of Japan and its dialects
Japanese is the official language of Japan even though this is not stated in the Constitution. It is spoken by 130 million people all over the world. The Japanese language evolved over the centuries in Japan and has even been influenced by other languages. Thus, some words resemble Mandarin words and Japanese uses European consonances and English words! With the immigration wave, Japan has been enriched by other languages including Korean, Vietnamese, Mandarin and even Brazilian Portuguese. French remains almost unknown in Japan, but be reassured that the Japanese speak English.
Some places in Japan have distinct dialects of Japanese and this enriches their identity. In Ryukyu Islands, the dialect of Japanese language spoken is Okinawain. Another dialect is Ainu on Hokkaido Island, even though it is becoming extinct. These dialects are part of the captivating heritage and culture of Japan.

“Matsuris” are symbols of Japanese culture
Traditional festivals called “matsuris” are celebrated everywhere in Japan. O-Bon is a Buddhist feast which a key part of Japanese culture. It takes place during summer and celebrates the dead who, according to adherents, come to visit their relatives. You will surely see lanterns on the rivers, lakes or sea, as well as offerings of fruits and vegetables left at the altars of temples. You may hear the monks chanting Buddhist sermons called sutras. This festival is a highly spiritual celebration that welcomes the dead and appeases them before bidding them farewell at the end of the festivities.
If you have the opportunity to spend your holiday on Hokkaido Island, the second biggest island in Japan, you will enjoy the extraordinary natural environment of the sea and the mountains. Explore the lifestyle and history of the Ainu people. Museums are dedicated to them and they showcase their traditions and festivals. If you go on a hike to Mount Daisetsuzan, less than two hours from Tomamu, you may meet these hunter-gatherers. Their amazing dances show respect for the gods and nature. In Japanese culture, this is a veritable art of living.
Did you know?
Japan is one of the countries in the world with a high number of festivals and public holidays: 15 public holidays in total! This is understandable considering the numerous rites and beliefs in Shintoism and Buddhism, the two key religions in Japan.
From religions to languages, festivals and nature, everything in Japan is designed to work together. Japan is the perfect example of successful diversity. The Japanese people are reserved, shy and highly polite, so don’t be surprised to see expressions of respectfulness on the streets when they greet each other.