Benefits of living more sustainably

Small Changes, Big Impact
8 million tonnes of plastic finds it way to the ocean each year and more than half comes from Asia. CRAZY right?! Although scientists, engineers and researchers are actively trialing powerful machines to cleanup the oceans, removing plastic is not 100% efficient and takes more time than to stop producing it.
Did you know?
500 million¹ plastic bottles used every year
1 trillion¹ plastic bags discarded every year
100,000 tones¹ gums (made of synthetic rubber coming from plastic) discarded every year
3 billion tonnes² quantity of plastic produced by Australia,
91% of plastic is not recycled
Everyone can make an impact at their own scale, so why not starting now?
At Club Med, we believe that our daily habits can slightly be tweaked in order to make a positive impact together, here are some of our quick ways to reduce plastic waste

Reusable coffee cups for a guilt-free coffee
One cup per person can reduce the production of 1 billion disposable cups (number of cups used by Australian each year according to the ABC News) - sounds pretty easy right? We also took the occasion to gift our loyal customers and top partners, a perfect way to thank them with a sustainable gift. Good tip: some coffee shops reward earth-conscious customers by offering a discount on the price of their coffee, another reason to live more sustainably!
The Club Med office proud of their re-usable coffee cups!
Say no to plastic cuttlery
When buying lunch, don’t take the plastic cutlery the takeaway shop gives you and use instead the cutlery you have in your office or at home.

Reusable water bottles, do good for you and for the planet
No need to buy new plastic bottles everyday, what if we you could save money and time just with a reusable water bottle? Plastic bottles are not only bad for the planet but they also contain chemicals called endocrine disruptors which can be also harmful for your health.
Buy in bulk at the supermarket (and save money!)
Bringing your own containers to buy your pasta, cereals, rice and more… will help you make great savings on your grocery budget and will also cut down considerably the packaging waste! Modern jars can be integrated in the decoration of your kitchen, organised on shelves and ready for you to use. If you are a DIY person, you can also customize them with your kids!
Make your beach trip count for the environment
Still not convinced that every small personal action can make a big impact on our planet? Take 3 For The Sea is proving the contrary! This Australian charity founded by surfers and marine biologists emphasizes on the impact of collective efforts on the plastic pollution reduction. Each time you go to the beach, for a morning swim or just an evening walk, grab three pieces of rubbish you find on your way and yes, you’ve already made a difference!
Curious to learn more about the sustainable actions that Club Med has implemented for over 60 years now, check more information in our post here.
¹ Discover more statistic about plastic pollution here.
² Discover how Australia has an impact on plastic pollution here.