5 surprising ways your kids grow from overseas travel

Growing Through Travel
Travelling is so enriching for kids. Apart from being a break from the digital world, young ones can discover the world with new eyes and learn the ways of the world. Discover below 5 reasons why you should definitively take your kids on an international adventure and let them learn about the rich experience of travel.

#1 - Appreciating new cultures
Appreciating new cultures starts with the discovery of new surroundings, new food, new climate,… This total new environment is the perfect opportunity to appreciate what the words has to offer out there.
At Club Med, our G.Os, G.Es and GM's embrace the word "multicultural'. More than 100 different nationalities are represented within the 75 villages of Club Med worldwide. With a culture of open-mindedness and tolerance, Club Med creates an environment that facilitates interaction, learning and discoveries of other cultures.

#2 - Making new friends
At Club Med, you can meet new people every day thanks to the activities, the Kids Club, sports and much more. They will learn that friendship is everywhere!
What about learning a new language with new friends from all over the world. Plus, they can keep in touch when they're back home and bring all these friendship memories with them.

#3 - Spending real time with their families
Back to basics! With phones and computers switched off, it is time for real family time. From the activities, sports and also special programs, you can be sure you will make for lost time at Club Med! Also, discover the Amazing family program launched by Club Med to create new memories together and strengthen bonds with fun activities.
The bond families share thanks to their travels is unbreakable and has created memories that will last a lifetime.

#4 - Learning about nature and the environment
Learning outside from textbooks, your kids can see, feel and live each experience in direct contact with nature and learn how the environment and the planet are important factors to take into account in our everyday life.
Our "Super Radish?programs and Pedagogical Garden sensitize children to healthy and responsible nutrition, teaching them about plants' needs and how to grow fresh vegetables.
We believe in helping kids better understand and appreciate the local environment through fun and inspiring activities. They'll never forget seeing the turtles hatch at Club Med Bintan Island, or discovering fishes' ecosystem on the underwater trail at Club Med Kani.

#5 - It's making them grow even better
It's all about what they learn and new "soft skills" they experience for the first time in their lives.
The kids gain skills like being adaptable, being kind, curious, open to new things, open to multiculturalism,…
Discover more about all the initiatives Club Med is doing for the kids and their parents for a full family experience together!